The Rensselaer Club | Troy, New York

General Events


Join the Rensselaer Club Now!

Want to have fun and meet new people at RPI?  Join us for events throughout the year! Click here for more information on joining and get exclusive access to Members Only events!

Upcoming Events!

Join us for our 85th year events!


This year, we will be hosting activities for vaccinated individuals. Events will include our welcome back picnic, Wine Ohs!, luncheons and dinner parties.

We also have some new committees, Outdoors and Community Connection, that will focus on some activities in the community and greater Capital District.
All our activities present a great place to meet colleagues from other departments.  
As a member, you can attend meetings, vote and hold an office. 
Dues for the year are $25/person and can be paid online or by check or cash. The Club is registered as a not-for-profit and your dues help support local charities.  You may join at any club event. More info HERE!
September - Welcome Back Picnic - Saturday, September 7!


September - Faculty Welcome at RPI (Join the Club!)


September  - RPI vs. WPI. Watch from the ECAV booth (Members Only)


October - Apple & Pumpkin picking (Members Only)


October - Halloween Party (Members Only)


          December - Holiday Brunch (Members Only)


                    February - Super Bowl Party (Members Only)

Want to get an invitation?  Join now!  